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Diary Entries

1829 – My goal is achieved. Bach's music will not be lost forever. It's really just impossible to explain the feelings that are passing through me right now. I have just conducted I am history. Without me, Bach's music would've been lost, and forgotten about. It's has been a century since anyone has ever heard of his music, and people seem to be enjoying it. Oh, someone seems to be knocking on the door. All nightlong people have been congratulating me. 



1829 - The chilly weather and the distasteful music – I mustn't say that I'm enjoying Scotland as much as I expected. I was supposed to go here on a much needed break. The unneeded vulgar in the horrid local music is noise to my ears. Not saying that all of the music around here isn't great – no. In fact, I think that a few of my future symphonies could be based on some of the 'reasonable music '. But now I'm actually taking up genuine interest in poetry. I could never understand it before. But the beautiful landscape of this country makes me want to jot down all my ideas about things to write about. I don't regret coming here for a break. In fact, I agree now that it was a good idea for me to take a break, and travel to this scenic country. Oh, and Hebrides. Especially Hebrides. That is where to inspiration for my letters started, the gentle lapping of waves on the white sandy beach. Rock cliffs ornate with intricate patterns carved throughout it all. It's a pity it is time to depart now, and return to the greyness of England. 



1835 – St, Paul is finished. I cannot tell if I'm feeling sadness or joy. It was my father's last wish for me after all. And I didn't let him down. I spent many months studying the Bible intensely, then sorting out a correct time signature to compose my piece. But now it is all done. I will be famous for this – I'm sure of it. 



1843 - Ahh, the royalty family. How come I haven't met them earlier? The lovely Queen Victoria, dedicating me my own musical suite. I have just finished Symphony No.3 in A minor – major dedicated solely to her and the royal family. Tomorrow night shall it be conducted. And the prince I are coming wonderfully good mates. I feel that he is just yet as generous as the Queen herself. I must come to Britain more often. Oh, someone is knocking on my door, I assume it would be dinner. 

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